
Tim Taylor

On Wednesday, July 2nd, Connect ZA will be asking Daniel Charny via Twitter to explain what the Maker Library Network, why making is important in the twenty-first century and what the recently announced new Maker Libraries add to the project. Afterwards, we’ll open up the discussion to the public’s questions and comments. More details about the Twitter Discussion can be found here.

Commissioned as a project of the Connect ZA programme and part of the SA-UK Seasons 2014 & 2015, the Maker Library Network is a new initiative that promotes collaboration and knowledge-sharing between designers and makers. Maker Libraries are creative spaces that combine reading, showing and making. This new type of library, while encouraging local development, is also part of a new international mentoring network. Maker Libraries are comprised of three elements: a library, a gallery and a makespace. They are all connected via an online platform where Makers can share resources, take part in mentoring sessions and exchange skills and ideas. A short video explaining the project is available here.

Following an open call launched by Daniel Charny and Thomas Heatherwick in Cape Town in March, the MLN recently announced four new venues to join the network. These include: Maker Library: Lime Wharf (London), Maker Library: The Bank (Cape Town), Maker Library: Workspace (Cape Town) and Maker Library: MOAD (Johannesburg). More information about these new addition can be found here. The Twitter Discussion provides Connect ZA with an opportunity to communicate recent project developments, elicit engagement from those already interested in the network and build new audiences internationally. 

What: Twitter Discussion with Daniel Charny, Creative Director, Maker Library Network

When: 15:00 UK (BST) / 16:00 South Africa (SAST), July 2nd, 2014

How: Visit  @Connect_ZA's Twitter Account, follow the discussion and Tweet questions @Connect_ZA from your Twitter Account.


Main Image: Tim Taylor