Thursday 19 March 2015 - 00:00 to Sunday 29 March 2015 - 00:00

fiveFilms4freedom is the world’s first global, digital LGBT film festival and is initiated by the British Council and the British Film Institute.

From 19–29 March 2015 the British Council and BFI Flare are making 5 short films available free and online for people around the world, through the BFI Player. Our first five films represent a cross section of contemporary LGBT short film. The films have been made by lesbians, gay men and trans filmmakers, and range from sweet short stories about first love, through political challenge, to exuberant activism. They are polished, rough, funny, sad and inspiring. They each have a different voice.

On one single day - Wednesday 25 March - fiveFilms4freedom asks the world to watch a movie together and show that love is a basic human right.

Watch and share #FiveFilms4Freedom in support of freedom and equality #LGBT